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Educational Organization
Faculty of Letters
- Department of History
- This department offers five courses of study, namely, the histories of Japan, Asia, the West, and the Muslim world, along with archaeology, which together cover the entire field of historical studies. Students take initiative in the learning and research process by reading and documenting articles for presentation.
- Department of Japanese Culture
- Under the motto of “exploring cultures through a hands-on approach,” this department engages in cultural research activities that extend beyond the campus. Students study Japanese culture from diverse angles and deepen their understanding through hands-on experiences in one of the four domains of Language, Literature, Thought & Art, and Society & Folklore.
- Department of English Language and Cultures
- Students study to become global citizens who can communicate with people from diverse cultures. All students take English language classes and classes about various cultures, including culture classes taught in English. Students narrow down their focus onto one of four fields: American studies, British studies, English-speaking area studies, and English linguistics. Students acquire English proficiency while cultivating a broad and deep cross-cultural understanding.
- Department of Global English
- Students can choose from among the three models of study course combinations offered―Global Business; Travel/Tourism and Interpretation/Translation; and English Education―according to their future goals. Students are able to develop practical skills and proficiency in English through the intensive study of technical expressions and vocabulary required for their desired job.
- Department of Religious Culture
- Through the three offered courses of religious culture, Buddhist culture and Zen culture, this department aims to develop in students a broad view of religions and the ability to think deeply. The goal of our religious cultural studies is to produce graduates who are prepared to participate in global society.