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Blair's Class
Bulletin Board

www3.agu.ac.jp / ~vicks62 / jeffreyb /
KTmobile / kgBan.html

Advice about Learning English
and having a conversation.

Let's use people's names

ŒŽ—j“ú Kusumoto

Tandai A
8:40 am in Rm 303
Tandai B
10:25 am in Rm 303
Skill Check and videos
(English stories)
Misc topics

ŒŽ—j“ú Nisshin

3:10 pm in Rm 2302
Skill Check and videos
(English stories)
Nutrition videos

‰Î—j“ú Kusumoto

Dental EB
8:40 am in Sem Rm 2
Skill Check and videos
Chemistry videos
(English stories)
German videos

–Ø—j“ú Meijo Koen

10:40 am in Rm 7607
Skill Check and videos
(English stories)
Economics videos

‹à—j“ú Kusumoto

9:30 am in Rm 202
Skill Check and videos
(more videos)

Welcome to my Class
Bulletin Board webpage
at Aichi Gakuin University
(Nagoya / Nisshin, Japan).
If you have any questions,
comments, or criticisms,
please contact me directly.

Nisshin Rm 2204
Meijo Koen 3rd F AGALS
Kusumoto Rm 2320
[inside the vault]

Ph: 080-6912-5957

Retest (March 2022)
for Dental students

English Conversation is a required class
for all First year Dental Students.
Students with grades of D
need to pass a special examination,
if they wish to go on
to their second year of studies.

(more information)

Last updated July 2022
contact information